For my next trick, I will be making over my front porch! No, I will not be doing a costly renovation, because who wants to spend a ton of money right now? Not me! Unless one of you wants to fund that project...which, if you do, please email me and you can be my new best friend! But, I will be prettying up this spot because, hello, I have to look at it every day. Let's start planning!
Actually, let's first start with a history lesson. I've already done things to this porch in the 8 years that I've been here. The front door was originally some hideous color that my brain has now blocked from my memory, so I painted it this cheery cherry red color shortly after moving in. The numbers and mail box were originally a shiny brass, which I had the hubby spray paint black to match the shutters. The iron scrollwork beam thing used to be dirty white, so he spray painted that as well to match the shutters, numbers, and mailbox. So, this is actually an improvement from what it was. Well, that was just fine and dandy for a while. Now I'm over it. I want something bright and cheerful, more of a party to welcome me home every day. I want a piñata and glitter explosions. Well, the piñata and glitter were nixed before I could even finish getting that suggestion out of my mouth.
This is the first phase of the plan: Paint that front door CORAL! Bright beautiful coral! Love this color. It's universally flattering, so if anyone ever wants to come take a selfie in front of my door after I'm done, you'll look fabulous! Plus, it's all tropical and exotic, so I can pretend I live on an island during the cold gray Michigan winters. "Coral" can also vary in color a lot; sometimes more orange, sometimes more pink, sometimes more red.
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I have been telling the hubby that I want to paint the front door for over a year now. He is not a fan of change in any fashion, until he gets used to it, so the answer has been "no" since I mentioned it. Is red his favorite color? No. But you would think so based on his attachment to the current door color. Well, I have finally worn him down. I pouted long enough (whatever, don't judge me, it works...just ask a kid) to make him agree. Yay! Maybe another year and I'll be able to convince him of the piñata and glitter ideas. So, here's the thing about marriage. It's a compromise, and you should both agree before making decisions that affect you both. Step 1: Ask the hubby for his opinion. Step 2: If his opinion matches your opinion, hug him and tell him how happy you are that he's so in sync with you. If his opinion does not match your opinion, keep asking him until his opinion matches yours, and then hug him and tell him how happy you are that he's so in sync with you. This is called compromise.
So, coral is just the first step in Project Front Porch Makeover (aka Project Piñata and Glitter Will Eventually Happen). I haven't decided on step 2 yet. I'm thinking the mailbox and numbers may need to go back to brass (that should go over well...). The ultimate goal is to pout long enough (yes, yes, I'm setting feminism back decades, blah, blah, blah....) to get the shutters removed, and then the mailbox and numbers won't need to be black to match those shutters. But I'm not sure about all that yet. And, speaking of numbers, the big block ones we have now are perfectly fine, but I'm kinda loving the skinny mod, maybe I'll sneak those in as well. Maybe I'll suggest glitter numbers first, and then this will seem like the obvious compromise. Reverse psychology and husband stands a chance!
Okay, so let's look at some door color inspiration pictures!
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This one is probably the most "real house" of the ones I put in here. This is exactly the same door we have (now I want a BIG brass kickplate like this!), and the surrounding exterior wall is gray like ours. Same style of numbers and mailbox too. And, this shade of coral looks like a winner to me!
Image Credit: Pinterest
This coral is more pink (yum!). And, how do I get a patterned porch like that?! Love it.
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Oh, hello! This is just cute in every way. Gimme those flowers!
Image Credit: Pinterest
Love this mid century mod style door! Plus, that coral is the perfect pop against that dark gray. And...those are the style of house numbers I'm thinking about. light. :)
Image Credit: DesignOnce
Gray siding, black mailbox, check. Orange coral door, check! Tree with color-coordinating leaves, check!
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Another more pinky likey. And with the flower wreath and turquoise chair, this looks so sweet. Like candy.
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This is awesome. Coral door, check. TURQUOISE siding....I need this. Can you paint siding? And neon yellow shutters?! Hmmmm....I'm getting more ideas!
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Okay, this is just straight up pink. But could I just call this "coral"? Hmmm......
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I. LOVE. EVERYTHING. ABOUT. THIS. A coral pink door popping against navy siding? Yes, yes, and forever, YES. I'm pretty sure there should be a law that says if you have navy siding (lucky!), you HAVE to paint your door this color.
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Ooh-la-la, this gorgeous door is in Paris. Um, I vote yes! Weewee!
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And, dream mid century modern entry way. Coral pink door...STAR door knobs! louvered side panels...lush tropical greenery...globe pendant...awesome hostess outfit to welcome my guests in. Sigh.
After looking at those, I'm super excited to go pick out some paint to slap on that door. And I better hurry before it gets too cold for this project!
You can check out the results in part 2A!
Until next time...