If you're just joining in on this project, and you want to start at the beginning, you can click here for part 1, and then here for part 2A.
If you're still with me, let's talk about the next part of the porch that I'm looking at: house numbers!
Right now, we have black house numbers that were previously shiny brass. Now I'm kind of missing the brass because I think brass looks great next to coral. Anyway, I'm not totally sure what I want to do about the house numbers. I think I want to change them up, but I'm not totally sure yet, so if you want to help me decide, please leave your suggestion/idea in the comments below. So, let's look at some pictures! I went to Etsy to get some ideas:
From moderndwell on Etsy.
Wow. This shiny red 5 is so pretty, right? If I had repainted my door in this kind of bright red, I would definitely get new numbers like these! Below is the same number style in a matte black from the same Etsy shop. Ooooh. That one is nice too!
Same thing, but in black from moderndwell.
From DavidMeddingsDeSign on Etsy
This Art Nouveau style house number above is done in polished copper for the actual number and the background is done in copper with a patina. I love the greenish-turquoise-y color of patinated copper! Think Statue of Liberty.
Another one from DavidMeddingsDeSign.
The raised "10" above is from the same Etsy shop as #2, but the copper is polished and lacquered. These numbers are absolutely G-G-G-GORGEOUS. If I lived in a fancy-pants kind of house, these would totally be it for me! My neighbors would think I was crazy (or crazier than they already do) as I stood there staring at and drooling over my house numbers every day. Ooooh, SHINY... my precious!
From glowsigns on Etsy.
This glowing LED house number above is very cool. Below is the same house number, but during the day. At night, it let's the pizza delivery guy easily find you (VERY IMPORTANT plus in my book), and during the day, it's all casual and nonchalant. I like this one! Business in the day, party in the night. It's the mullet of house numbers!
From RetroAZ on Etsy.
Oooh. Now, I really like this one because the font is all retro and sassy, BUT, I absolutely hate when long house numbers are in written out word form. Like, "Three thousand twenty nine". What?! Not because it looks bad, but because when I'm trying to find a house for the first time, and I'm looking at the numbers, I have to super slow down my driving to read it and then put it altogether in number form in my head. By that time, I've been driving all creepy slow by someone's house, and their neighborhood watch has been alerted.
So, I'd only vote for this one if my house number was 1 or 2 digits long. Less thinking involved.
From ByTheNumbersCo on Etsy.
The numbers above are so sleek and skinny! Like the figure I never had :) This one is available with the numbers floating or flush against the background, and the background piece comes in different finish options. Nice.
From SparrowandScout on Etsy
Oooh, if you like the rustic or industrial or even bohemian look, this house number/planter combo above is perfect for you! I love the different stain colors used to give this a striped look! And, in the winter, since your plants would probably die in there (if you live somewhere cold like Michigan), you could always do pretty fake flowers or fake succulents or whatever you want! This one is a maybe for me! Think how pretty that would look next to a coral door!
From MidCenturyWoodShop on Etsy.
I really like this staked house number too, BUT, for our house, it would probably get lost against our brick. This would be pretty cool if you could shine a spot light on it and stick it somewhere super visible in your front yard area.
From GoodToTheGrain on Etsy.
Okay, now we're talking! Check out the beautiful wood grain on this one (above). Ooh la la! I am a total sucker for good graining! Not sure how visible this would be from the street though. But up close? Yum! And the numbers are really sleek too!
From Natalie Zingg on Etsy.
Okay, if you're looking for a very low cost option for your house numbers, I think this decal is an excellent idea. The numbers are super visible and right in your face. BUT, I think this only works if you don't have a storm door, which I do. Poo! Next.....
From WoodosaurusText on Etsy.
These resin numbers are another lower cost option, and if you're into the psychedelic vibe, or just love bright colors, they're perfect!
From SewlyDecor on Etsy.
Here's another rustic-look house number option (above). Has a real Joanna Gaines/Fixer Upper vibe to it, don'tcha think? It can make your shiplap (kinda) dreams come true!
From MidwestSalvageStudio on Etsy.
I'm not a big rustic-look kinda gal, but I do like these numbers on the lacquered salvaged barn wood board. Yay for salvaged barn wood! They come in raised or flush-mount numbers.
From HANDSOMEindustries on Etsy.
And finally, the super industrial and modern looking house numbers. This is not my style either, but on the right house, this would look great!
Phew! That was a lot of options! I'm still not totally sure what I want to do with our house number, or whether I want to do anything at all, but this list has given me a lot of ideas. And, I'm definitely looking for some suggestions, so leave a comment!
Okay, well, that's it for now!
Until next time......