Okay, so this is technically a kids' song from the soundtrack of a kid movie, BUT, that doesn't mean that it's not for grown-ups too. At our house, my hubs is always playing "positive" music for the kids. Meaning, something with a positive message. Because whatever we surround ourselveswith and listen to is what we create inside ourselves. So, since we're trying to raise some peace-loving kids, that's what he plays. We listen to a lot of reggae :) Anyway, this song is "We're Going to Be Friends" from the soundtrack, Jack Johnson and Friends: Sing-a-longs and Lullabies for the film Curious George. This is on one of the Pandora stations he has for the kids, and you know what? I LOVE this song. It's just a happy song with beach-y peaced-out vibes that works for everyone. With Lent coming up (which I'll be writing about tomorrow), I want to just bring more positivity into my world. So, here it is below. If you're a grown up, just enjoy, and if you're a grown-up with kids, play it for them too. Really, this whole soundtrack is awesome. Oh, and if you want to read a little more about Jack Johnson and his do-gooding and greenie ways, you can check out this article or this one from musicforgood.tv
Music Monday: Song Pick: We're Going to Be Friends
Image Credit: musicforgood.tv