This is a 20+ year throwback to my absolute FAVORITE band/musician prior to Lana. I'm talking about Garbage, people! You know?! Shirley Manson and all her grunginess! Sigh! Back to the 90s! The best decade IMO. I used to listen to that first (self-titled) Garbage CD over and over and over and over and over and over and over again in high school. And then! One of my other favorite things back then came out, and that's the movie, Romeo and Juliet with Leonardo DiCaprio!
Read moreMusic Monday: Song Pick: We're Going to Be Friends
Image Credit:
Okay, so this is technically a kids' song from the soundtrack of a kid movie, BUT, that doesn't mean that it's not for grown-ups too. At our house, my hubs is always playing "positive" music for the kids. Meaning, something with a positive message. Because whatever we surround ourselveswith and listen to is what we create inside ourselves. So, since we're trying to raise some peace-loving kids, that's what he plays. We listen to a lot of reggae :) Anyway, this song is "We're Going to Be Friends" from the soundtrack, Jack Johnson and Friends: Sing-a-longs and Lullabies for the film Curious George. This is on one of the Pandora stations he has for the kids, and you know what? I LOVE this song. It's just a happy song with beach-y peaced-out vibes that works for everyone. With Lent coming up (which I'll be writing about tomorrow), I want to just bring more positivity into my world. So, here it is below. If you're a grown up, just enjoy, and if you're a grown-up with kids, play it for them too. Really, this whole soundtrack is awesome. Oh, and if you want to read a little more about Jack Johnson and his do-gooding and greenie ways, you can check out this article or this one from
Music Monday: Song Pick of the Day: This is a 90s Throwback to Early Jewel!
Sooooo, if you've been reading my blog posts, you've probably heard me refer fondly to the 90s. Hello?! They were the best. Only regret: Skinny eyebrows were in at that time, and I naturally had big caterpillars on my face (as every Indian gal does). So, of course I plucked them to oblivion as many teenagers of that time period did. And, now I want my caterpillars back, not because big eyebrows are big now, but because looking at things with my grown up eyes vs. my teenage trying-to-follow-what-you-see-in-a-magazine eyes, now I see how nice thick and full eyebrows are. But alas, due to that early plucking, they will never be the caterpillars again.....Damn you Pam Anderson with your Baywatch eyebrows!
Okay, so that had nothing whatsoever to do with Music Monday, but, it is a 90s-related regret. What is NOT a 90s-related regret however, is my still-going-strong love of early Jewel.
Read moreMusic Monday Song Pick of the Day: Lana Del Rey Cover of a Nat King Cole Song
Image Credit: Lana del Rey photographed by Sean and Seng for Interview Magazine 2012
Good morning and happy Monday! Okay, so I try to keep most of my political views out of this blog because that just takes us down a negative path (but if you're interested in that stuff and want to sign petitions with me, you can find me on Facebook!), and I want to keep this space free of the heavy and depressing stuff. BUT, the song I picked for today's Music Monday is exactly what we need to try to keep in mind as we go thru our day, especially if you're worrying about all the insanity going on in our world. As scary as things become, we must keep a positive attitude! Or at least we should be positive in between our ranting :)
Read moreMusic Monday: In Honor Of MLK Jr. Day: A Song About the Peace We All Seek
Hey there people! It's late in the day, but here's today's Music Monday song pick: Imagine by John Lennon. This is in honor of Marting Luther King Jr. day because it's about the peace that is possible if we all work towards it. That's the goal people! Get it together!
Music Monday: Unreleased Lana Del Rey Song Pick of the Day: Other Woman
On Lana Del Rey's previous album (not her current one) Ultraviolence, she has a song called The Other Woman. That is a cover of The 1959 song by Jessie Mae Robinson performed and popularized by Nina Simone on the album Nina Simone at Town Hall. Today's song pick is NOT this song. Today's pick is Other Woman, and you are going to love it!
Read moreMusic Monday Song Pick of the Day: Chelsea Hotel No. 2
Image from Rolling Stone
Good morning, and happy Monday people! Today's song is actually a Leonard Cohen (he died in November of this year) song, but covered by Lana Del Rey. It's called "Chelsea Hotel No. 2". Keep reading for the story behind this song. It's a great song, and it's done really really well (duh, it's Lana! of course it's done well!).
Read moreMusic Monday Song Pick: Get Up, Stand Up: Dedicated to the Standing Rock Protesters
Hi folks, it's been a while since we've had a Music Monday song pick! Been super busy with the Feel Good (Do Good) Holiday Gift Guides, but now I'm back with a good song for you. Often, as you know, I pick a favorite Lana song (thought I've included other stuff as well), but this week, the song pick is dedicated to the protesters, Native American and not, at Standing Rock, that are trying to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. If you want to keep up with the latest developments on that, you can click here.
Read moreHappy Birthday to Me! + Music Monday = A Great Day!
Yay for being able to celebrate another year of life!!!! That's how I'm looking at this birthday! All good, and nothing bad about getting older! Here's how I feel about my 30+ years on the planet so far, and then we get to celebrate with a super fun song:
Read moreMusic Monday: 25 Year Throwback!
Happy Halloween! Let's go back to 1991. One of the sexiest music videos, with one of the most beautiful models at that time, shot this song into MTV history. The model is Helena Christensen, the singer is Chris Isaak. Has anyone figured it out yet?
Read moreMusic Monday: The Best 90s Movie + Lana Del Rey = The Best (Fan-Made) Music Video!
Obviously I have a mild obsession with Lana Del Rey. Well, the video for today's song pick is a combination of my favorite singer (ever) plus one of my favorite movies of all time. You'll love this, ESPECIALLY, if you love the 90s!
Read moreMusic Monday: 2 Versions of an Awesome Lana Song: Carmen
Image Credit:
Good morning, and happy Monday! Today's song pick is Carmen, by Lana Del Rey (surprise, surprise). BUT, I have two versions of it, both amazing of course!
Read moreMusic Monday: SERIOUS Throwback for Us Crazy 80s Kids!
Okay people, time to get all nostalgic for our youth, and the simple days before cell phones, the internet, digital music, etc.
Read moreMusic Monday: Music to Start Your Week Off with a Little Happy!
Image credit: Science Daily
Here in Detroit, it's the perfect rainy day for some deliciously moody music (read, Lana), BUT, let's start our week with something that will put you in a good mood all day! Keep reading to find out what we're listening to today!
Read moreUnreleased Lana Del Rey of the Day: Dangerous Girl
Check out my music pick for you! Here's a hint: it's Lana....
Read moreBackfire - Lana - Sooooo good, your ears will thank you
Here's a good song for a Thursday.
Read moreA Little Lana For You Today - One of Her Oldest Songs - Two Versions
Hey fellow Lana fans, or not-a-fan-yet-but-should-be, soooo, let's start your day off right with a little Lana, music to your ears!
Read more"Lana Del Rey, how'dya get that way?"
So, right now, I'm kinda, for real, with music by Lana Del Rey. I discovered her music on Pandora probably in 2014, and it's been love at first listen since then. And, I guess at first sight too, since, she's gorgeous. Speaking of which...
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