OMG. It feels like FOREVER since I've posted here! It's been over a month, so yeah, like forever. Well, I'm still here, but life has been CRAZY busy lately, as it often gets. So, what's been going on in the past month? Well, I was offered a new job that I wanted, YAY! If you know me, you know that I've been wanting to work from home since the beginning of time. Well, actually, to be totally honest, I've been wanting to be a stay-at-home-mom, but that's never been in the cards (so far at least - I still have my off-the-grids-live-off-the-land plans), so, this was my next best thing. Now, it's finally happening! God has heard all my prayers, and also clearly listened in on every meeting I've ever sat in at my old job since I would make sure to mention that I should be working from home to all of my coworkers EVERY time we had a meeting, and He has decided to give it to me. So, my new job is supposedly going to be way flexible with that. I can't wait. So, yeah. That happened. Then we went to beautiful Florida for a little vacation with my awesome in-laws. THEN, right after that, I flew to Massachusetts (that was something new) for a new hire orientation for my new job. And, THEN, through all that, all the usual daily (meaning, most important) stuff: Being a mom, being a wife, being a daughter, trying to stay sane. The usual. SO, that's where I've been and what I've been up to. Just super busy.
Now that I've got a second to catch my breath, I want to get back into my projects (aka finish up all my never-ending projects) and post some more here. Didya miss me?!
This is the view from my window seat on the plane flying into Boston. Isn't it beeeeautiful? I didn't realize that Boston was on the coast (shows how much I paid attention in school).