Okay people, Thanksgiving is coming up fast! If you're hosting, you've probably already started planning. Now, we picture a Norman Rockwell type setting with everyone sitting around the dinner table with a table set with your fancy dishes saved for special occasions. And then in a busted gut stupor, you hand wash all those dishes or stick them in the dishwasher. So, that's great for smaller family gatherings, but if you are hosting a large group of people, OR, if you just hate washing dishes, this may not be what you're picturing. If this is you, you may be already be planning on disposable dishes for the big day, so I've gathered some great eco-friendly (aka survival-of-our-planet-friendly) options! And they're all reasonably priced.
Okay, so if you have to pick between cheap paper plates and cheap plastic plates, and you want to be greener about it, I say go paper. Yes, trees need to be cut down and that stinks, BUT, they will be replanted and grow again. And, they are not using rainforest trees for this....I hope! So, you can find paper plates at any grocery store. Here's I've gathered some alternatives to the usual paper plates.
Here goes:
Leaf & Fiber Ecofriendly Palm Leaf Round 9" Plate - $23 regular price, on sale for $18 right now! 25 plates
Above are plates that are disposable plates that are about as eco-friendly as they get. "The fallen fronds of the Areca leaves are collected, pressure cleaned, and sun dried. Then they are heat pressed to produce the appropriate plate and bowl shapes. That's it. No chemicals are used during the entire manufacturing process. Each plate is handmade with care."
World Centric plates and silverware see site for various prices
World Centric plates are made out of wheat straw, which is a leftover agricultural fiber and is a renewable resource.
EcoProducts - Wheat Straw Plates and Bowls - see site for prices
EcoProducts sells plates made out of wheat straw, sugarcane, or bamboo. They also sell utensils and food containers as well. So, if you plan on sending people home with leftovers, and you want to be the green queen (or king) about it, you can get those from them as well.
Below is another set of EcoProducts plates that you can get from Costco.
Hope that gave you some quick ideas for convenience and green living on Thanksgiving! Happy planning!