This past weekend, we were in the middle of a total snow storm of snowiness (in the Midwest at least), and it was awesome! I usually hate winter, BUT, since it's been pretty mild this year, I'm not burned out on it. Right now, there are 2 reasons I'm loving all the snow. One, family sledding fun, and two, all this snow is PERFECT for cleaning some rugs!
Read moreEco-Wednesday Green Living Tip of the Day: Skip the Liquid Shampoo and Go For Bars Instead!
Happy Wednesday! So, if you know me, you know I'm always trying to find ways to cut down on our household waste, especially plastic. I've done pretty good with stuff, but one thing that's always nagged at me is the plastic containers that all the beauty/grooming stuff comes in. Yes, I recycle everything I can, but I also know that the rate of recycling is pretty low, so I would rather just avoid the packaging to begin with. Plus, I don't want to support the making of the plastic in general. I mean, imagine all the shampoo bottles that get used by one person in a year. Now imagine how many years that is in a lifetime. Then imagine that multiplied by the billions of people in the world. UG. SO, now that I've depressed you, I'm going to tell you the solution for that! Shampoo BARS! No plastic bottles, PLUS, there are awesome options out there. This isn't just for Birkenstock-wearing, patchouli-smelling, dreadlocked hippies! Not that I have a problem with them, because in fact, if my husband still had thick hair he would be exactly that! :)
Read moreEco-Wednesday Green Living Tip of the Day: Skip the Dryer Sheets, and Try One of These Ideas Instead!
Happy Wednesday! It's snowy, gray, and cold outside, but I'm pretending it's sunny and balmy instead! It's totally working too! Until I look outside. :)
Okay, so here's your eco-Wednesday tip, the whys and the what elses. A LOT of people use dryer sheets when they dry their clothes? Why? So your clothes smell like factory-made fresh rain or a mountain spring? So you can avoid static cling that would be traumatically embarassing and cause you to lose your friends and strangers to point and laugh? Or because you just think this is a requirement of laundry and you've never known anything else? Well, whatever the reason is, I'm letting you know, you do not need them! We haven't used dryer sheets in.....ever. And, we are just fine!
Read moreQuick Parenting Tip: My Go-To Meal When I'm Super Busy and Because I Hate Cooking: Super Easy and Much Healthier Version of a Kiddy Classic
Hey busy parents! Hey busy single people! Hey lazy-cookers! Hey people who care about kinda-heatlhy eating! Hey people who fit more than one of those categories! Okay, so that would be me (except the single people part). Sooooooo, I'm always ridiculously busy and am always struggling to find a good healthy meal for the kids. Cuz honestly, if it weren't for them, I'd probably just be eating Ramen noodles and pizza rolls every night (yum!). And, then, add on top of that my hatred for cooking and all things involved in prepping to cook. Well, I do have ONE go-to meal that I can rely on and not feel guilty about. Which is good because I spend a large portion of my waking moments with total mom-guilt about everything (real and imagined).
And yes, there's a gluten-free option or a vegan option, so if that's you, keep reading too!
Read moreEco-Wednesday Green Living Tip of the Day: Don't Throw Those Pills (or Any Other Kind of Medication) Down the Drain!
Sooooo, I was browsing Netflix the other night, looking for a new show to obsess over, and I came across Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. So, I thought I'd give it a try (ummmm, yeah....). Anyway, there was this one scene in the first episode that totally made me freak, "do people seriously do this?!?!?!"
Read moreReposted in time for Holiday Gift-Giving: Gifts for Kids that Won't Clutter Up the House and Eventually End Up in a Landfill
Image from
I originally posted this on September 2 of this year, but I'm reposting this because I think it is fitting for the current gift-giving season. Click below and enjoy!
Gifts for Kids that Won't Clutter Up the House and Eventually End Up in a Landfill
2016 Feel Good Holiday Gift Guide: Day 2: Ten Thousand Villages
Poet's Gold Earrings - $90 - Hand made in Columbia with pewter base and 24K gold fill
Sooooo, I KNOW I said I would do this Ten Thousand Villages gift guide the day after the post about The Citizenry, BUT, I've been busy, so, a little late, but here it is!
Read more2016 Feel Good Holiday Gift Guide: Day 1: The Citizenry
So, I've awakened from my Thanksgiving food coma, and I'm ready to start thinking about Christmas! And, of course, along with all the religious parts of Christmas comes the gift-giving. Of course, experience gifts are best (in this girl's humble opinion), like tickets to a concert or a gift certificate for a massage, because they don't take up space or create waste, and they build memories, which are way better than stuff. BUT, if you're looking to actually buy something, I say look for something that is not only beautiful, but that will last a long time, and that was produced in a socially conscious way that helps people, not harms them.
Read moreEco-Wednesday: Be Green Tip of the Day: Watch "Before the Flood" So You'll Be the Smartest Person at Thanskgiving
Today's tip is an easy one. It only takes a small amount of time and effort, you get to watch/listen to my first boyfriend, Leonardo DiCaprio (eyebrows wiggling suggestively), AND, it will change your life. Double AND, this is just in time for Thanksgiving. So, when your relatives start annoyingly discussing politics, you can put that nonsense to rest by bringing this up. At least some good may come of it. There's nothing to debate about whether or not climate change is real, so you can avoid all the bickering. Unless you have that REALLY brainwashed relative who still thinks it is a Then, all I can say is, bring earplugs, stuff your face with turkey (if you are not vegetarian/vegan) and pray that it puts you to sleep quickly, or rab a glass of wine, and may God have mercy on your soul :)
Read moreEco-Sunday: Be Green Tip of the Day: If You Don't Want to Wash Thanksgiving Dinner Dishes....
Okay people, Thanksgiving is coming up fast! If you're hosting, you've probably already started planning. Now, we picture a Norman Rockwell type setting with everyone sitting around the dinner table with a table set with your fancy dishes saved for special occasions. And then in a busted gut stupor, you hand wash all those dishes or stick them in the dishwasher. So, that's great for smaller family gatherings, but if you are hosting a large group of people, OR, if you just hate washing dishes, this may not be what you're picturing. If this is you, you may be already be planning on disposable dishes for the big day, so I've gathered some great eco-friendly (aka survival-of-our-planet-friendly) options! And they're all reasonably priced.
Read moreEco-Wednesday (a day late): Be Green Tip of the Day: Buy Vintage or Second Hand Furniture Instead of New, When Possible
This gorgeous room is chock full of vintage/second-hand pieces.
Image Credit: Bri Emery's house done by Emily Henderson
Quick Parenting Idea: Instead of Sippy Cups for Small Kids, Use....
Image Credit: PopSugar
Here's a quick idea for you parents (or anyone around children) out there. So, after a baby has moved on from the baby bottle, their parents usually transition them to a sippy cup. But then, where do you go from the sippy cup?
Read moreEco-Wednesday Be Green Tip of the Day: BYO- Water Bottle (And Go For Non-Plastic if Possible)
Happy Wednesday friends! Another Wednesday, another tip for you to be more "green" and take care of the earth like you love having a planet.
Read moreEco-Wednesday: Be Green Tip of the Day: Eat Your Veggies, Not Your Meat-ies!
Sooooooo, this one is a two-fer....lucky you! This week, you get a green tip AND a health tip! Woohoo! Now let me tell you why...
Read moreEco-Wednesday: Be Green Tip of the Day: Skip the Ziploc for Packed Lunches
Image Credit: NYTimes
HI Friends! Another Wednesday and another way to save the planet, and in turn, save yourself!
Do you pack lunches for yourself or your kids? One thing almost everyone seems to use are the Ziploc bags (or some other brand) for keeping a sandwich or snack in. They're super convenient and keep things separate. What could be better, right?!
Read moreEco-Wednesday: Be Green Tip of the Day: BYO - Silverware
Hi!!!!!!!!!!! This is your weekly Wednesday easy tip to be more kind to your home (aka, Earth).
Read moreEco-Wednesday: Be Green Tip of the Day - Use Bar Soap Instead of Pump Soap
If you know me, you know I'm extremely concerned about our environment and planet. Which, to me isn't all that kooky, it's a means of survival. So, starting today, I'm going to do Wednesday posts dedicated to one easy tip or change you can make to be more kind to our planet, also known as, your home.
Read moreGifts for Kids that Won't Clutter Up the House and Eventually End Up in a Landfill
Now that we have entered September, the holiday season is only a few months away. If you're one of those really organized people that starts shopping really early (I'm so NOT this person), and you need gift ideas for some kids in your life, keep reading!
Read moreOoooh! Sparkly! I do! - Engagement Rings - The Vintage Edition
So! I have wedding on the brain lately. No, not my own, that's old news! But, I have friends getting married, talking marriage, or, that would just make beautiful brides!
This has me thinking about engagement rings. More specifically, VINTAGE engagement rings.
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